Thursday, July 29, 2010

Save Leecraft DL-1U Zero Clearance Table Saw Insert for Delta Table Saw

At first glance this insert seems well made but it becomes apparent very quickly that Leecraft never tested it on a Delta saw. There are two problems. The first is minor, the screws are not long enough. Their heads hit the top of the countersink, stopping their downward travel, before the top of the insert is flush with the top of the tablesaw. This can be fixed with 1/16" longer screws or by drilling the countersunk holes a little deeper.

The second problem takes a little more effort to correct. The back adjustment screws are in the same position as they are on the Delta insert. No problems there. The two front screws however have been moved back about 1/2" from where they are on the Delta insert. This shouldn't be a problem because the ledges below the insert are long enough. It becomes a problem though because the adjustment screw on the front left is directly over what was the lock-down hole (the fifth hole) on the Delta insert. Because the Leecraft insert uses adjustment screws that are the same diameter and thread pitch as the drilled and tapped lock-down hole below it the adjustment screw has nothing to push against to move the insert upward, and in fact, it will thread itself into the lock-down hole with no height adjustment possible. The Peachtree insert has the same adjustment hole positions as the problematic Leecraft but because they use larger diameter 1/4-20 screws the screw doesn't thread itself into the lock-down hole. Leecraft should have either left the adjustment screws where Delta placed them or used larger diameter screws. If they had done any testing they would have found this problem themselves.Get more detail about Leecraft DL-1U Zero Clearance Table Saw Insert for Delta Table Saw.

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