Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Buy Bosch PR20EVSK Colt Palm Grip 5.7 Amp 1-Horsepower Fixed Base Variable Speed Router with Edge Guide

1. This is a great product. Far easier to use than any other router I have owned.

2. This is also available in different models and kits. Unless you are a cabinet installer that works with laminates you don't need or want the "laminate installers kit". It is also great (see my review there) but has accessories most folks don't need. The variable speed and soft-start features are valuable and worth the cost.

3. There are accessories that I recommend:

BOSCH PR009 Round Subbase Template Guide For Colt Palm Router
This is for the RA-style Bosch twist-click template guides.

Bosch PR010 Round Subbase for Threaded Temp Guides for Bosch Colt Palm Routers
This is for the Porter-Cable threaded style template guides.

Bosch RA1150 Centering Cone
This makes installing a sub-base and getting it centered a breeze.

Bosch PR008 Base Cover for Bosch Colt Palm Routers
This keeps your gripping hand cool if you use the router a lot.

Bosch RA1125 7-Piece Router Template Guide Set
These are the Bosch RA-style template guides, useful if you are using Bosch templates, like the door butt-hinge template. Must be used with the PR009 sub base listed above.

Porter-Cable 42000 9-Piece Template Guide Kit
These are the threaded template guides that must be used with the PR010 sub-base listed above. Porter-cable style template guides are available in many styles, including a solid brass set. These are necessary when you are using the router with a Porter Cable dovetail template, which comes with the correct template guide.

I really do recommend all of these. In addition , you may need a thin 11 mm open-end wrench. One of these came with my laminate installers kit, but did not come with the original PR20EVSK base kit. I can't determine if it comes in the current base kits without buying another. The wrench needs to be no more than 1/8 inch thick. A 3/8 inch by 1/8 inch thick open-end wrench works, although the 11 mm is much better.Get more detail about Bosch PR20EVSK Colt Palm Grip 5.7 Amp 1-Horsepower Fixed Base Variable Speed Router with Edge Guide.

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