Friday, July 30, 2010

Porter-Cable 42690 Edge Guide (for Models 100, 690, 691, 693, 891, 892, 893 Routers) Order Now

I have the PC 892 router. The Edge Guide I received doesn't mention the 892. There is a new "42690" (Why PC uses the same model number is beyond me). The new version packaging does list the 892,893 routers and has a circle cutting attachment. (see Porter Cable website) The packaging is completely different in that it lists the other routers and the circle guide. Beware of what you get, I WANT THE NEWEST IF I'M SPENDING THE MONEY FOR IT; NOT THE "CLEAN-UP BOY", GETTING RID OF OLD STOCK. Just time wasted, I sent it back and have to order from someone else.Get more detail about Porter-Cable 42690 Edge Guide (for Models 100, 690, 691, 693, 891, 892, 893 Routers).

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